Where the Ability to Move is Considered a Gift

Cherished Movements


Our Goal is to assist dedicated owners in maintaining their dogs’ comfort and well-being throughout all stages of life.

Janis Goto is a Certified Therapist and has been working professionally in the health and fitness field since 1984 while attending California State University, L.A. In Honolulu, she has taught classes at the Honolulu Club, Queen Emma Center, University of Hawaii, 25 years at the Kaimuki-Waialae Y.M.C.A. and currently, at her private gym she runs Canine Massage sessions.

Serving Oahu’s canines and their owners since 2002

Massage Therapy

Relieve Stress • Improves Recovery • Reduces Pain Intensity • Decreases Inflammation

Water Therapy

Water Physical Therapy specializes in using water as an adjunct to highly skilled hands on therapy


 May prevent orthopedic surgery
for canines at risk

•  Promote healing post-surgical

•  Promote geriatric comfort and mobility 

•  Spiritual transition

Meet our Forever Furry Friends


Contact Janis

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